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Celebrating 14 Years of Excellence: An Unforgettable Milestone for Drillmaster & Imachine

A Glorious Celebration at the Iconic Tianxin Pavilion in Changsha

Drillmaster & Imachine celebrated a special occasion – The 14th anniversary, in the picturesque Tianxin Pavilion in Changsha. This historic landmark has been a symbol of ancient Changsha since the Ming Dynasty and provided a perfect setting for our joyful celebrations.

Changsha Tianxin Pavilion

Morning Celebration: Company Anniversary

The morning began with the drillmaster group anniversary celebration. Through an engaging video, we looked back at our impressive history, current achievements, and future goals. We expressed heartfelt gratitude and recognition to our dedicated employees and also inspired and encouraged our new talents.
Drillmaster group 14th Anniversary

Afternoon Gathering: Reading Meeting

In the afternoon, we held a reading meeting where the brilliant minds of the Drillmaster Group, generously shared their insights and wisdom through captivating discussions. Each speaker delivered thought-provoking ideas that inspired growth and a culture of continuous learning.

Drillmaster Group and Imachine: Nurturing Success Together

Drillmaster Group and its subsidiary, Imachine, are committed to fostering the overall development of our employees and delivering high-quality solutions to our valued clients. With determination and dedication, we will continue moving forward, never forgetting our original purpose. Let this auspicious celebration guide us towards an even brighter future.

Drillmaster group 14th Anniversary

Post time: Jun-21-2023

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